Thank you for accepting my invitation to take part in this unique and very exciting opportunity. I really look forward to teaching you how to make tax-free profits from sports trading.
In particular, I can’t wait for you to trade alongside me during the Euros where I am happy to GUARANTEE you’ll make a TAX-FREE PROFIT simply by copying what I show you.
This way you can PROVE it for yourself by actually making real money using the system rather than just reading about it. And do so completely RISK-FREE!
To join me in what is going to be an exciting and fun month, simply COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW and let’s get this all set up at your home on a laptop, pc, tablet or smartphone now so you are ready to trade the Euros with me.
Simply Complete The Form Below To Secure Your Place:-
YES Ben please show me exactly how to trade the sports markets for tax-free profits. I understand to prove it to me, between Friday 11th June to Sunday 11th July you will work with me on trading the Euros.
YES Ben I understand that each evening BEFORE a match to be traded during the Euros you will send me a private email detailing WHICH match to trade and EXACTLY what to do.
YES Ben I understand that the usual cost of the system and training is £4,997+vat, however you will let me test this on a NO-RISK basis throughout the Euros for a refundable security deposit of just £2,997+vat.
YES Ben I understand that should I not make a tax-free profit by the end of the Euros this £2,997+vat will be REFUNDED TO ME IMMEDIATELY! Furthermore, as a thank you for trying the system, I also understand you will send me an EXTRA £997 VALUED BONUS COMPLETELY FREE!
YES Ben I understand that should I make a tax-free profit I the option of trading alongside you for a full 12 months. In this case I will not need to pay you the remaining £2,000+vat of the system cost until AFTER I have made a CLEAR TAX FREE PROFIT OF AT LEAST £50,000.00.
YES Ben I understand that in addition EACH MONTH you will send me a new trading method to increase my tax free profits. Combined these have a value of £33,967.00, but I will receive ALL of them COMPLETELY FREE!
YES Ben I understand that if during my Euro trial I DO make a tax-free profit but choose to go it alone and trade by myself rather than with you over the following 12 months, then I not only get to KEEP the £4,997+vat loophole system I used during the Euros, but you will WAIVE the remaining £2,000+vat balance owed on this system.

To give you complete peace of mind you are covered by my unique TRIPLE GUARANTEE:-
GUARANTEE 1:- If after the euros you have NOT made a tax-free profit, doing everything I show you, your security deposit of £2,997+vat will be IMMEDIATELY REFUNDED to you.
In addition, as a thank you for trying the system, you will also receive a separate system which can turn small sums such as 50 pence into a £1,000+ profit. This system is valued at £997 but I’ll give it to you COMPLETELY FREE!
GUARANTEE 2:- However, if you are happy with tax free profits by the end of the euros and you wish to trade alongside me for the next 12 months, you not only get to keep the £4,997+vat loophole system you used during the euros, but you do NOT have to pay me back the £2,000 balance on this until you have made at least £50,000 IN TAX FREE PROFITS.
Furthermore, each month for 12 months I will send you a separate system and teach you how to use them in different sports to dramatically increase your overall profits. These 12 systems have a combined value of £33,967. But they are yours COMPLETELY FREE!
GUARANTEE 3:- Finally, if you are happy with your profits after the euros, but you wish to trade alone over the next 12 months rather than trade alongside me, then you are welcome to do so. In this case I will waive the remaining £2,000+vat balance owed on the system and you are free to use It for life WITHOUT any further payment to me.
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